The Sheeple Talk Back

  • First written as a poem, this is being explored a rock/rap tune. It’s my desire to share this as broadly as possible. Change has got to come!

    Meta, Google, Apple, Amazon

    Let’s find out whose side you’re on.

    People used to have a choice.

    But the masses lost their voice.

    Message so subliminal.

    Should be simply criminal.

    It’s been so convenient.

    We’ve been so damn lenient

    Where do you think we will be -

    When ALL power lies with these?

    Let’s understand the fine print.

    Big tech firms don’t even hint

    What their true intentions are

    In user agreements that go too far.

    Each exchange makes us weaker -

    Less empowered - future bleaker.

    It’s been so convenient.

    We’ve been so damn lenient

    Where do you think we will be -

    When ALL power lies with these?

    Didn’t see how they caught us?

    Wonder how they bought us?

    Without a net or dime spent

    Look at where our freedom went.

    Power to the lobbyists?

    Problems should be obvious.

    Time to take our freedom back.

    Gonna take a different tack.

    No room for complacency.

    We must move tenaciously.

    Change our current policies.

    Break up these monopolies.

    It’s been so convenient.

    We’ve been so damn lenient

    Where do you think we will be -

    When ALL power lies with these?

2022 © Miriam Shanks. All Right Reserved.


Just to Be