Write to the Heart of the Matter

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I’m Your Daughter

I’m Your Daughter addresses healing, hope and being vulnerable for a purpose.

I’m your daughter. I’m your sister.

I’m the child born yesterday.

I’m your daughter. I’m your sister.

I’m the child who ran away.

And the stairs they said I had to climb,

Were dark and missing places,

But I didn’t give up,

Kept moving up

And filled those lonely spaces

With love.

We’re all uniquely damaged like birds that fell before flight.

Perhaps we need to see each other in a different light.

Unloved, unworthy, how we waited for a life that’s real,

And now with faces – adult and jaded, we hold back what we feel.

How are you? Just fine and you? We’ve learned how to reply.

Where’s the caring; where’s the daring to embrace an honest life?

Hold your cards close to your chest, and keep others guessing

But in the end, you’re back again, wondering what you’re missing.

Several trips around the sun I’ve gone and come again,

And now it’s quite a miracle to find a few good friends.

Choosing now to open up, there’s laughter and there’s pain.

I’ve learned to fill my cup from both sunshine and rain.

I’m your daughter. I’m your sister.

I’m the child born yesterday.

I’m your daughter. I’m your sister.

I’m the child who ran away.

And the stairs they said I had to climb,

Were dark and missing places,

But I didn’t give up,

Kept moving up

And filled those lonely spaces

With love.

2023 © Miriam Shanks. All Right Reserved. (nod to Langston Hughes)