Under the Moon Where I Belong

There is nothing that inspires like time spent under the moon.

I’m standing alone on a shadowy hill 

and wondering what the night may bring.

I’m found in a place that is quiet and still – 

waiting for darkness and the stars to sing.

Dew is descending on the forest around me. 

The coyote’s call is mournful and low.

Flowers are folding their petals in retreat 

from the night that has fallen on the land below.

I pause to listen to the sound of my breath 

and am awestruck by the beauty and majesty.

Earth is reborn through the sun’s brush with death 

and my mood and my spirit rise palpably.

It is here under the moon where my soul belongs. 

It is here that I often feel what is holy.

And when the stars sing, I join in their song 

and listen to the Master’s great story

Of creation and life and the expanse of it all – 

of building and burning and building again.

I take in the message feeling humble and small. 

The universe is forever and yet is my friend.

2022 © Miriam Shanks. All Right Reserved.


My Quiet Space


Should’ve Heard You Anyway