Write to the Heart of the Matter

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My Quiet Space

Written at a time when I faced many external demands, My Quiet Place explores how important a sense of quiet and tranquility are to me.

The voice of the quiet beckons me.

No hum, hiss, rattle, vrhumm.

No television voice; 

not even the sound of my own internal dialogue, 

just pure silence.

The quiet directs a current 

deep in my soul 

nothing else touches.

No sound of a clock ticking.  

No rustling papers.

In those sacred moments, 

what I hear transcends the ordinary decibel.

There are notes that resonate within 

on some unexplored scale.

No sound of external demands.  

No expectations that require a word.

There is a warm blanket of privacy and utter stillness.   

Perhaps I know myself.

2012 © Miriam Whatley. All Right Reserved.