Ode to My Left Breast

Forever a part of me from childhood til now

I’ve not given thought of them or precisely how

My breasts laying together tenderly on my chest

Made me feel like a woman – as good as the rest

They remind me of branches in a tall tree

Lending shelter for sparrows or even for me

Perhaps they remind me of my mother too

Ready to nurture; majestic and true

And now doctors say I must part with the left

And somehow be okay with one remaining breast

How frightening a thought – that left breast is me

And now I’m to let go – just let things be?

Who am I now in this new world of mine?

What’s to look forward to; what’s left behind?

I’ll consider these questions for a little while

But I’ll reflect on my beauty and feminine wiles

That have nothing to do with the flesh on my bone

I’ll remember I’m spirit - and THIS is my home

That’s it – I will rise up like a morning flower

Shake the dew from my head and stake claim to my power

I am soft and I’m strong. I am woman through and through

Without the left breast will just be something new

I will learn to adapt – I will learn to grow

And follow my spirit as it rises to know

That all my glory – all my feminine light

Will still shine around me – it is my right

So though left breast – I say farewell today

I return you to dust but I will stay

Stronger than ever, determined, unbowed

By fates’ circumstances that I’ve been allowed

I’ll dance in the rain or in the sunlight

With my new form and with all of my might

Because I am loved and the magic’s still mine

I’m ever a woman and that is divine.

2023 © Miriam Shanks. All Right Reserved.


I Didn’t Cry


Runaway to Ruidoso