Interstate 20

  • Interstate 20 is a true story…or at least enough of it is to make it interesting.

    Interstate 20

    Cruisin’ down the interstate

    Had a lot on my mind

    It was a partly cloudy day

    On the Texas countryside

    I pulled the visor down

    And took a long deep breath

    I was moving without a sound

    And the sun began to set

    An old man told me careful son

    You shouldn’t travel there

    If you take highway 20 son

    You’ll go without a prayer

    But I’m a travelin’ fool sometimes

    Have no time to listen

    Have no time to look for signs

    When I’m on a homeward mission

    So I settled in for a long ride

    Didn’t think about his words

    Was I looking for a place to hide?

    The world was on my nerves

    An old man told me careful son

    You shouldn’t travel there

    If you take highway 20 son

    You’ll go without a prayer

    Suddenly I saw objects fly

    I was on a battlefield

    A car shed a tire while going by

    It headed for the windshield

    The crash was staggering

    It all felt so surreal

    Glass was shattering,

    Blood spattered on the wheel

    An old man told me careful son

    You shouldn’t travel there

    If you take highway 20 son

    You’ll go without a prayer

    Before the dust settled the cops arrived

    And put me in the back of their car

    Weed in my pocket I was feelin’ alive

    And we didn’t have to go too far

    Now I’m saddled up on a bus

    Headed home where I belong

    Not much left I could discuss

    Besides being oh so wrong

    Life can change on a dime my friend

    So listen to an old man’s caution

    Don’t tempt fate or the highway’s end

    You’ll wind up in a coffin

    Don’t travel highway 20 son

    Cuz you won’t pass the test

    Stay off highway 20 son

    She’ll burn you like the rest

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