Hiding Flowers

  • Vulnerability takes courage.

    My flower is mysterious

    She is my prize possession

    I don’t easily share her perfume

    She’s my soul’s expression

    She never seems to age

    As I keep her tucked inside

    Though she’s occasionally admired

    By some stranger passing by

    But then I quickly clutch her

    To my heart or in my bag

    So others cannot gaze at her

    Which often makes me mad

    Maybe it is fear

    That keeps me holding her close

    Don’t think that I should reveal her

    To anyone up close

    If they would get a better view

    They might see tatters there

    The faded edges of my hopes

    And my indentured prayers

    They might see vulnerability

    In the colors fading so

    They might find in chink

    In the armor I’ve so carefully sewn

    But every once in a blue moon

    A special soul arrives

    Who wears THEIR mysterious flower

    And shows it boldly on the outside

    Someone who says it’s okay

    To let another in

    Okay to share my flower

    Whatever state she’s in

    And it’s then I realize

    How good it is to have a friend

    Someone who can accept me

    Tattered edges can be damned

    And when I open my heart

    To let another in

    I find another blossom there

    Growing beautifully within

    Perhaps I’ll learn to wear them

    My spiritual bouquet

    Instead of hiding them from sight

    And hiding ME each day

    May we all find the courage that’s needed

    To let down the walls of our pride

    May our boldness finally be rewarded

    When we stop hiding flowers inside

2023 © Miriam Shanks. All Right Reserved.


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