The Promise of Morning

  • I’m a morning person. Mornings offer a beautiful, fresh start when the sun awakens us to new possibilities. Here is The Promise of Morning.

    The Promise of Morning

    In the shadows I am waiting

    To see the sun, anticipating

    That fears and worries will not last

    The darkest part of the night has past

    Now in the quiet morning haze

    The dawn begins to gently break

    My heart responds to the sun’s first rays

    Thanks to God for this new day

    With each rotation of the Earth

    I feel released and find new worth

    In taking breath and sensing light

    Perhaps I change somehow each night

    And each beginning is new and fresh

    With opportunities to be blessed

    With peace, and hope, and a new attitude

    I still my heart in gratitude

2023 © Miriam Shanks. All Right Reserved.


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