The Light Remains

  • This piece was re-written several times and addresses being hurt by a beautiful friend and coming to the realization that all of the special times we had before were still important and it’s ok to take joy from those memories and let go of any pain that remains from the breakup.

    Her words rip into me

    Cascading grenades find their mark

    They find the spirit within me

    And each land deep inside my heart

    Reeling from each new blow

    It feels a struggle to even breathe

    The words are poisonous and framed just so

    Seems she distilled them just for me

    Sadness and anger wash over me

    Rising and falling like waves

    Breathe in. Breathe out. Just like the sea

    Let go of feeling betrayed

    Breathe in, breathe out, dark feelings fade

    As I seek peace within

    And bitterness cannot invade

    If I still love my friend

    I’ll choose to remember

    The laughter, dreams, and tears

    I’ll remember the care – so tender

    I know that those weren’t wasted years

    Some distant stars no longer burn

    But here their light remains

    And that’s how I will think of her

    The light that she gave me still remains

2023 © Miriam Shanks. All Right Reserved.


We’re Oh So Missing You


Stand in the Light